Scare Dancer

About Us

The First Scarecrow with Brains™

The AirCrow® Scare Dancer® Inflatable Scarecrow came into existence because there was no practical or effective solution for small farmers and backyard gardeners like ourselves to protect their fruits and vegetables from birds and other animal pests.

After years of frustration and trying all of the other devices that were on the market with no success, we decided to try something radically different than anything that had ever been tried before. This project led to the invention of the first inflatable scarecrow ever created which we called AirCrow®, the first scarecrow with brains.™

The results were outstanding. For the first time, we were able to keep the majority of the fruit we worked so hard for without sharing it with the birds.

Company Background

Scare Dancer® brand products are designed and manufactured by AirCrow, LLC. The AirCrow® company is leading the way in providing innovative solutions for common outdoor problems and needs. For more information, please visit our corporate website at

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